Thursday, April 1, 2021

L'association TPTI-Mundus a le plaisir de vous faire part de l'installation du nouveau bureau de l'association pour l'année 2021-2022.

Présidente : Mme. Insaf ABOUHACHIM-ALAMI de nationalité marocaine.

Vice-président : Mr Eric DOK-KWADDA de nationalité Tchadienne.

Trésorière-secrétaire général : Mme. Valentine ALDEBERT de nationalité Française.

Friday, April 3, 2015

ICOMOS Slovenia 2nd International symposium on cultural heritage and legal issues.

Protection and reuse of industrial heritage: Dilemmas, problems, examples

Bled, Slovenia, 1st-3rd October 2015

The Icomos/Slovenia and the Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage
of Slovenia are organizing the 2nd International Symposium on cultural
heritage and legal issues under the title “Protection and Reuse of Industrial
Heritage: Dilemmas, problems, examples”, which will take place in Bled from
the 1st to the 3rd October 2015.
Having in mind that industrial heritage is at risk, particularly in the area of
South Eastern Europe, and taking into account the relevance of Parliamentary
Assembly of the Council of Europe Resolution 1924 (2013) on industrial
heritage in Europe and the 10th anniversary of the Faro Convention on the
Value of Cultural Heritage for Society, the aim of the symposium is to promote
increased awareness about the values of industrial heritage in contemporary
society and to present challenges, dilemmas and examples related to the
protection of industrial heritage. The focus of the symposium is protection of
industrial heritage in the context of its rehabilitation and reuse.
In spite of the fact that the importance of industrial heritage is widely
recognized across Europe, in practice this type of heritage remains to a large
degree neglected in countries of Southern and above all Eastern Europe.
The goal of the symposium is to present dilemmas, problems and examples
concerning the rehabilitation and reuse of industrial heritage in the context of
contemporary sustainable development.
Invited speakers
Leading experts will be invited to deliver keynote lectures.
Working language: the official language of the symposium (for both oral and
written contributions) will be English.

Monday, December 15, 2014

5ème Appel à Projets de l’ERA-NET CHIST-ERA

L’ANR s’associe au 5ème Appel à projets (AAP) de l’ERA-NET CHIST-ERA (Recherche Européenne Coordonnée sur les Défis à Long-terme dans les STIC), réunissant 12 pays européens ainsi que le Québec : Autriche, Belgique, Espagne, France, Irlande, Lettonie, Pologne, Québec (Canada), Roumanie, Royaume-Uni, Suède, Suisse et Turquie. L’AAP est dénommé Call 2014 sur le site officiel de CHIST-ERA :
L’AAP propose aux chercheurs deux nouveaux thèmes émergents des STIC :

  1. Systèmes cyber-physiques résilients et sûrs
  2. Compréhension du langage humain : Apprendre dans le monde réel
L’objectif de l’AAP est de soutenir des projets de recherche transformative et innovants dans le domaine des STIC, internationaux et multidisciplinaires avec un fort impact scientifique et technique potentiel.
La procédure de soumission d’une proposition de projet comporte une seule étape. Les partenaires de la proposition remplissent un document unique téléchargeable sur le site et le soumettent via le système en ligne de CHIST-ERA.
Les partenaires des projets sélectionnés seront financés directement par leurs organisations nationales (agences ou ministères) respectives. En conséquence les réglementations nationales sont applicables. En particulier les partenaires français doivent prendre connaissance du document « Modalités pour les participants français », accessible sur cette page.

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Collège doctoral Patrimoine dans le pourtour méditerranéen

L'Agence universitaire de la Francophonie lance un appel à candidatures pour intégrer le Collège doctoral inter-régional Patrimoine dans le pourtour méditerranéen qu'elle met en place dans les régions Maghreb et Europe centrale et orientale.

"De la Méditerranée, communément baignés de ses eaux et pétris de sa grande et riche histoire, les pays du Maghreb et de l’Europe centrale et orientale participent d’un même substrat encore vivace à travers des pratiques culturelles bien partagées sur les deux rives. Cependant, disposant aussi de marqueurs culturels propres, ces mêmes pays constituent également des entités patrimoniales autonomes dont les témoins se conjuguent au matériel par d’importants vestiges de sites et monuments historiques et, à l’immatériel par de remarquables pratiques et savoirs-faire traditionnels.
Monté à partir de ce constat d’épaisseur patrimoniale sur le pourtour de la Méditerranée, le présent collège doctoral a pour ambition principale de contribuer à sa mise en relief et d’en souligner les particularités. Toutefois, misant sur la teneur et la qualité des cycles éducatifs assurés dans les universités des pays d’origine, il comportera moins de formation massive en patrimoine qu’il ne s’intéressera à la méthodologie de la recherche et qu’il ne visera l’étude et l’approfondissement de certaines questions jugées d’actualité et/ou/ en rapport avec la gestion, la conservation, l’inventaire et la mise en valeur du patrimoine dans les différents pays du pourtour de la Méditerranée".
Le dispositif « Collèges doctoraux » contribue au développement des espaces régionaux de formation par et à la recherche dans des domaines prioritaires. Il entend également promouvoir la coopération scientifique et accroître la visibilité de la recherche francophone. Cet espace de perfectionnement pour des doctorants leur apporte un encadrement scientifique de haut niveau. Il y est dispensé une formation à la fois disciplinaire et transversale, complémentaire aux programmes de leur établissement d'origine (école ou formation doctorale).
Les candidats doivent être des doctorants inscrits en deuxième et troisième année à la rentrée universitaire 2014-2015 dans un établissement membre de l'AUF relevant des Bureaux suivants :
- Bureau Maghreb
- Bureau Europe centrale et orientale.
L'appel à candidatures a pour objet la sélection d'une cohorte de doctorants qui bénéficieront de cet accompagnement sur une période de 3 ans.
ATTENTION, pour présenter votre candidature, il convient EXCLUSIVEMENT de remplir le formulaire en ligne (lien : Assurez-vous, avant de commencer, de disposer de l'ensemble des pièces justificatives qui vous sont demandées au format PDF.
La date limite de dépôt des candidatures est fixée au 16 janvier 2015.
Aucune candidature ne sera prise en compte après cette date.
Pour candidater en ligne : cliquer ici ( lien

Pour toute demande :

Monday, December 1, 2014

La Bibliothèque publique d'Évora l'invite pour la présentation du livre "Journal de Voayge - Côte-d'Ivoire," de Mario Linhares et Ketta Cabral Linhares, qui aura lieu ce 03 Décembre 2014 à 18h.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Funding for independant research on "Girls' education" theme within Echidna Global Scholar in the US

Center for Universal Education Echidna Global Scholars Program

Promoting Girls’ Education in Developing Countries

The Center for Universal Education at The Brookings Institution seeks to help build expertise on girls’ education policies and programs in developing countries. This program is designed to offer guest scholars from developing countries the opportunity to pursue their own independent research on global education issues with a specific focus on girls’ education. Echidna scholars will also be supported to develop and implement a plan to share their expertise with their home institution to further build research capacity and expertise.
Please note application deadline is December 19th 2014.
About the Center for Universal Education
As part of the Global Economy and Development program at The Brookings Institution, the Center for Universal Education (CUE) develops and disseminates effective solutions to the challenges of achieving universal quality education worldwide. It offers a forum for research, high-level dialogue, and public debate on a range of issues relevant to education in the developing world. In an effort to translate our report, A Global Compact on Learning, from commitment into action, we are committed to helping build the knowledge base of what is needed to improve learning opportunities and outcomes for girls and boys in developing countries, especially those most marginalized and hardest to reach.
Echidna Global Scholars Program
The Echidna Global Scholars Program fits within the broader Global Compact on Learning work stream by aligning the research plans of the Echidna scholars with a collaborative research agenda. During their four-and-a-half month residency from August 1, 2015, to mid-December 2015, at TheBrookings Institution, Echidna scholars will work with the Center staff on developing their specific research project and may then work with the Brookings communications team to develop a strategy for policy impact. Echidna scholars will also participate in training and networking opportunities. Echidna scholars will draw on the resources of Brookings’ scholars, as well as the extended public policy community in Washington, D.C. by participating in additional meetings and conferences and networking with the broader development community.
Applicant Requirements
Applicants should have a background in education, development, economics, or a related area, with at least 15 years of professional experience in either research/academia; non-government and civil society; government; or business. Master’s degree required; Ph.D. or research background strongly preferred. Strong analytical and writing skills required.
Successful applicants will have an intimate understanding of education development issues and/or issues related to development and gender. Applicants who have not worked explicitly on girls’ education previously are welcome but should include an explanation of how this focus on girls’ education can be integrated successfully into their current and future work. Echidna scholars will be expected to work on extensive, cutting-edge research, as well as a project proposal with the intent to implement their research in their home country upon completion of the program.
Applicants are also encouraged to include areas of research focused on Second Generation education priorities for girls. The five Second Generation priorities include: 1) ensuring that girls can attend and complete primary and secondary school; 2) making schools safer and more secure; 3) improving the quality of learning for girls; 4) supporting girls’ transition to higher education and employment; and 5) cultivating local country leaders to champion this work at the grassroots level. The research proposals should focus heavily on issues affecting girls’ educational opportunities and learning outcomes in Sub-Saharan Africa, South West Asia, and the Middle East.
Additional expectations of Echidna scholars include interacting with other Brookings scholars and the wider policy community, a demonstrated ability to conduct professional, in-depth research and deliver spoken presentations in English. Applicants selected for the fellowship will receive a living stipend of USD $5,000 a month (subject to U.S. tax withholding), paid housing for the four-and-a-half month term, and round-trip travel expenses.
Program Requirements
Echidna scholars must be available for a full-time, on-site affiliation with The Brookings Institution for the entire four-and-a-half month residency of the program. This affiliation is not an employment relationship but part of a fellowship program. Echidna scholars are required to conduct research on an approved topic. Echidna scholars may have the opportunity to present their papers at a Brookings seminar or event at the end of the four-and-a-half month program. Each Echidna scholar is expected to be an active participant in Brookings and CUE activities, including, but not limited to, regularly-organized organizational staff meetings, informal discussions, seminars, presentations, and other CUE and Brookings events.
To Apply:  Interested candidates should submit the following:
  • Application questionnaire and project proposal
  • A curriculum vitae or resume
  • Two writing samples with citations
  • Two letters of recommendation from professional references (emailed directly from references
Application Deadlines:
  • Applications accepted as of November 7, 2014
  • Application deadline: December 19, 2014, by 5pm EDT
  • Selected for interviews: January, 2015
  • Results Announced: April, 2015
  • Term: August 1, 2015 to mid-December 2015
Submitting Your Application
Applications should be signed and dated by applicant, submitted via email and received no later than December 12, 2014, by 5pm EDT. Only applicants selected for interviews will be contacted. Candidates selected for interviews may be asked to submit additional materials. Please click here to access the application. To access the Word formatted application, please click here.
Please Note: Incomplete applications and those received after the deadline will not be considered.
All questions or inquiries from applicants or organizations should be sent via email

Doctoral Programme in History and Civilization in Italy for 2015

The Department of History and Civilization (HEC) offers a distinctive programme of transnational and comparative European history in a global perspective. Study and research activities are structured in a four-year Ph.D. programme , which is one of the largest and most successful in Europe. The teaching programme for the Ph.D. in History and Civilization  includes departmental, training and research seminars, as well as other activities such as conferences, workshops, and lectures.

Application deadline

The deadline for applications for the 2015-2016 academic year
 is 31 January 2015.  
Application form, research proposal, reference letters and other 
required documents must be received by midnight (central European time) 
on that date.

The faculty provides guidance in research methods and advises researchers on the preparation of their dissertations.
Funding is provided for research missions to work in archives and libraries, and researchers may also receive financial support to present their work-in-progress at international conferences.
Doctoral supervision is a priority at the EUI, and prospective researchers are welcome to explore whether their interests fit with those supported by the HEC faculty.

For more information: